Completed Novels

Lost Souls

Throughout the world, most people believe in some form of afterlife.  Lost Souls explores the route taken between death and the next world.

Evelyn Hunter is a soul walker, able to travel with the dead through a labyrinth of the deceased’s memories to final judgment.  With her ability, she’s made a name for herself as a Washington DC homicide detective.  Unlike her ancestors who simply eased the dead into eternity, she gathers information, giving closure to victims’ families, until a routine investigation takes a dark turn.  The victim’s soul is missing. 

Confused, Evelyn seeks an explanation only to find similar deaths and more questions.  Someone, or something, is not only committing murders, but preying on souls.  Evelyn’s post-death world turns to foreign soil as the murderer targets her.  Staying one step ahead, she must find a means to stop the killer before her soul is the next taken.

 Spider-Man:  Return to New York

Yes, I wrote a Spider-Man novel. Being a comic book geek for years, I could not resist.

In the future, super powers are outlawed. The Deregulation Committee apprehends powered individuals and strips them of their abilities, but that’s not a problem for Peter Parker. He retired two decades ago when his spider powers began to fade. Now at 60, he and his wife, Mary Jane, live peacefully in their suburban Virginia neighborhood. That peace is shattered when a new incarnation of the Green Goblin kidnaps their children and takes them to New York City.

Peter once more becomes Spider-Man and faces the goblin; however, the Green Goblin is not alone. Carnage, the amalgam of symbiotic life form merged to a human host, has allied with the goblin. During their initial battle, Spider-Man is stunned to learn that Carnage’s human host is his daughter, her consciousness totally suppressed by the entity. With weakened powers and the Deregulation Committee pursuing him at every turn, how can he defeat the Green Goblin and return his daughter to normal?

A little history about Spider-Man: Return to New York

Twenty years ago, I snail-mailed the first several chapters to then Spider-Man editor Ralph Macchio at Marvel Comics for advice. He called and told me that the idea and writing were both excellent. At his request, I used him as a reference in contacting Keith Decandido at Byron Preiss multimedia. Since my story was out of Marvel continuity, Mr. Decandido informed me that Byron Preiss only published stories in current continuity.

Now that Disney owns Marvel, perhaps this policy had changed. In early 2012, I contacted Liz Rudnick who wrote the Thor movie adaptation. She spoke to her contact, Tomas Palacios, at Disney Press and he said that I should email him. I did. Twice. I also left a voicemail.  Crickets - no response. Did he get my emails? Could he not be bothered?   I don’t know.


  1. I would email this Tomas Palacios again...remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease!! Don't worry about being a "stalker", just keep contacting until you get a response, really!! Good luck!!

  2. I plan on contacting Liz Rudnik first for her advice. Then I may contact Tomas Palacios again.

  3. Jeff, good luck with this and your writing, this sounds very cool! If you haven't considered it already, you might consider hitting some comic cons in your area --- we're smack in the middle of con season now. If you're in the East (I am) I recommend Baltimore's con (early Sept). Visiting a con is a great way to shake hands with folks in the industry who you want to meet.



  4. I may have to do that! I live about an hour and half from Baltimore. With Disney owning Marvel, hopefully someone from one of the Disney Press imprints will be there. I've been to comic conventions before, but as a buyer and not as someone trying to make a contact. I'll have to change that!
